社会学院 & 行为科学
Learn skills to support and serve the criminal justice system with a criminal justice bachelor’s degree. Whether you’re looking for 公共管理 or 人类服务 opportunities in the federal or state jurisdictions or your local municipality, our criminal justice bachelor’s degree can prepare you for administrative roles in the criminal justice system including law enforcement, 刑事法庭和惩教, 以及私营部门的机会. 采取下一步行动,在你的社区中发挥更大的作用.
最棒的是? You’ll gain criminal justice insight from experienced professionals that serve as faculty including chiefs of police, 船长, 助手, 管理人员, 法官和侦探. 我们所有的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜都是100%在线的,只有6周的时间, you’ll have the flexibility to build criminal justice skills you're looking for, 按你的条件.
在你毕业之前就从你的教育中获得价值. Update your resumé and LinkedIn profile with learned skills when you complete every 5- or 6-week course in our associate, 学士和硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
您将 14 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain confidence and skills to succeed. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括刑事司法伦理等主题, 刑事司法的多样性, 跨部门沟通, 刑事司法政策分析和项目评估等.
您将 14 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain confidence and skills to succeed. These core courses include topics like: foundations of 公共管理, 公共政策环境, 财政管理, 项目实施和评估等等.
您将 14 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain confidence and skills to succeed. These core courses include topics like survey of corrections in the United States, 犯罪行为的基础, 和监狱里的人一起工作.
“Making the decision to enroll at University of Phoenix was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.”
-Zebrick J.
BSCJA 2012
Over 1 million alumni have earned their degrees while balancing work, school and life. 你能吗?.
一旦你选择了你的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 从我们的日历中选择你的开始日期, apply for free and register before the deadline (usually one week before the program starts). 然后你会和注册代表谈话,开始上课.
我们的学院院长专注于开发与职业相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. They bring industry experience to the classroom and lead a faculty of academic professionals with one goal in mind—to help you earn the skills you need to pursue your career.
自1978年以来, University of Phoenix has maintained institutional accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), hlcommission.org. 了解更多 about the value of University of Phoenix accreditation and how it 好处 our students.
A criminal justice bachelor’s of science degree (BS) focuses more on the technology and data-driven knowledge. 这些研究领域对执法等领域很重要, 犯罪学和公共管理, which can be more helpful for anyone preparing for a career in criminal justice.
Having a bachelor’s degree has become an increasingly important way to gain the knowledge and critical skills today's workers need to stay competitive in growing fields like criminal justice, 人类服务, 公共管理, 与犯罪学. 美国劳工统计局, projects that job growth for social community service manager occupations is 预计为 比平均水平快得多 2021年到2031年.所以如果你想积累知识和职业相关技能, 刑事司法学士学位可能会有所帮助.
*The BLS Projected Growth for 2021-2031 is published by the US 劳工统计局. This data reflects the BLS’ projections of national (not local) conditions. These data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.
是的,我们所有的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜都是100%在线提供的. 大多数大学都希望你同时修几门课, 在这里,你一次上一门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,为期五周, 虚拟, 异步学习环境. You and your peers will engage in discussions, assignments and learning activities. +, you’ll learn from faculty who bring their own real-world experience and practice the same knowledge and skills they teach, all while learning industry-relevant skills necessary to promote your career growth. 更重要的是? 在整个学习过程中, our academic counselors and finance advisors are always there to support and guide your decisions from your first day to your last.